Medication Errors in Minneapolis Caused by Medical Malpractice


Prescription Drug Errors and Medication Mistakes Can Result in the Serious Injury and Even Death of a Victim to this Type of Medical Malpractice


There are several different types of medical malpractice that people think of first like surgical errors, anesthesia mistakes, and birth injuries.  But one of the most deadly is a lesser thought of type of medical malpractice—prescription drug errors and medication mistakes.  These mistakes seriously injury or kill many people each year, including in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Rochester, Bloomington, Duluth, and many other cities throughout Minnesota.


What are Medication Errors and Prescription Drug Mistakes?


Medications and drugs given by healthcare professionals are very potent substances.  The wrong substance can be deadly.  Think about it.  Medications and drugs are intended to cause a change within the body. They are controlled substances.  This is why when the wrong medication or drug is given, or the wrong dose is given, the victim can end up with a very serious condition which can cause serious personal injury or death.


Some common types of medication errors and prescription mistakes to be aware of include the following:

  • Giving the patient the wrong medication;
  • Failing to get contraindicated drugs that have complications with each other;
  • Administering the wrong dose of the medication;
  • Giving the wrong patient the medication;
  • Failing to warn or advise a patient of unwanted side effects;
  • Giving a patient medication that the patient is allergic too;
  • Prescribing a medication to a patient who shouldn’t have that type (i.e., elderly or a child);
  • Administering the medication too fast;
  • Giving the medication in the wrong manner (i.e., IV, injection, oral, cream, etc.); and
  • Many other mistakes.


Causes of Medication Errors and Prescription Mistakes


There are many different causes of prescription mistakes and errors.  The most common cause of medical malpractice is miscommunication.  In fact, studies and news reports have found that miscommunication is the number one cause or contributor to medical malpractice.  When doctors are giving medication orders to nurses about the medication to be used, miscommunications here can clearly result in patient’s becoming victims of medical malpractice.


Other mistakes are when hospital staff are moving too quickly without staking time to think about the medication order or how to provide it.  This is where the wrong medication is grabbed, when excessive doses are given, or where medications can even be given to the wrong patient.  The wrong dose can really be dangerous, particularly when it is about chemotherapy drugs or anti-clot/blood thinning medications.


Finally, an unfortunate reason for these types of medical mistakes is the influx of residents.  July is the month of the year where fledgling residents go out to hospital to complete their intern year and residency.  Studies show that July is the month of the year that has the most medication and prescription errors.  This is just because of the lack of experience and training that residents have, and the mistakes they will make.


Medication Errors and Prescription Mistakes Can Be Very Serious: Call Kuhlman Law


If you or a loved one were killed due to a medication error or wrong prescription, call Kuhlman Law, LLC to learn your rights to compensation by dialing (612) 444-3374.  The call is free and the case review is free.  Our experienced staff will help answer your questions and ensure you get the service you deserve.  Learn more by reading information on our website to understand how we can protect your rights after the negligence of a healthcare professional.


If you or a loved one have been injured due to the medical malpractice of a healthcare provider such as a doctor, nurse, hospital, or other health care service professional we understand that you have questions and concerns.  If we accept your case, we will conduct a thorough review of it and advise you whether there may have been a serious medical mistake causing your injury.   There is no risk, and you do not owe us money unless we win your case.

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    Bend, OR 97703